Glad you asked
When you hire lawn care professionals they cut your lawn regularly and at the correct height. Every season I run into homeowners who don’t enjoy cutting their grass, so they cut it very short. Then, later, they wonder why their lawn looks awful. Short lawns dry out easier and don’t do much to shade out weeds.
Professionals will cut your lawn at the correct height. They will also edge it for you. I have several clients who hire me because they can’t line trim. And you must line trim the edges, otherwise they get shaggy and they detract from a nicely cut lawn.
Hard edges should also get done once in a while to prevent grass from creeping over onto driveways and sidewalks. Blown clean, these hard lines give you sharp, clean lines. I include this in my regular service but re-establishing overgrown hard edges usually costs money.
Crack weeds can also be line trimmed carefully. Look around and do it safely. Once I blew out a back door with built-in shutters and it still haunts to this day. It wasn’t worth it.
There is more!
Good landscapers will upsell you seasonal fertilizer applications and they will remind you to water your lawns regularly. Water and fertilizers are required for lush green lawns.
In summer, your lawn care dudes can mulch your grass by leaving it in the lawn, not collecting it. You won’t even notice it and the clippings act as free fertilizer.
Before they leave your property, lawn care companies blow your place clean so it doesn’t even look like anybody has been there.
Don’t forget to communicate with your lawn care contractor if you have questions or something bothers you. If you’re lucky, they will help you for years to come. Don’t forget to thank them and tip them after their last cut of the season sometime in November. It’s a long season for them.
Have more questions?
If you have more questions, I have a new eBook out which answers thirty-three (33) questions about lawn care. It’s an easy download in pdf format for only $5. Support my blog site and order your copy today. If your question isn’t covered in the book, then please e-mail it to me.