BC heat dome
My province of British Columbia is stuck under a heat dome today and, as I type this, my laptop is showing a temperature of 42 degrees Celsius at 4pm. In my kitchen.
And we’re not even close to late July and early August when we usually expect these sorts of highs. Welcome to global warming!
So, now what? What happens when you have landscape maintenance contracts to fulfill and Environment Canada tells you that, at these extreme temperatures, everyone is at risk from heat-related illnesses; not just seniors and babies.
There are adjustments you can make to your work day, as the province gets set for record summer temperatures.
First, you start early. Not at the usual 8:00 am but at 7:30. This gives you a nice head start on lawn care, the one task that must be completed. Finesse work can be done later and pruning is out of the question. Pruning shrubs in 40 plus degrees Celsius is stressful for the plants. I wouldn’t recommend it even if the work was somehow pleasant and easy.
Second, make sure your workers have loose-fitting clothes, hats, sunscreen and access to lots of water. A micro-break in the shade would be fine as well.
I soaked both of my bandanas: one went around my neck and the other on my wrist.
Third, don’t push it. Since at extreme temperatures everyone is at risk, do the minimum and bail early. One nice touch is having the boss cover the full eight hour shift. Workers appreciate that and it gives them a chance to cool down.
The best neighbor ever!
Today we also got help from one of the residents who very kindly set-up a cooling station for us in front of their garage. They put up a tent and chairs, converted their garden hose into a misting station and provided cold water bottles.
When I finished mowing, I happily took a break here. As a manager, I didn’t worry about every single minute. I enjoyed the mist, drank two bottles and sat down for one minute. Then I left, already thinking about tonight’s blog post. It feels good when people think about their landscapers under difficult heat dome conditions.

Heat dome conditions are brutal, especially for outdoor workers like landscapers. Drink plenty of water, work in the shade as much as possible, wear loose-fitting clothes, put sunscreen on, wear a hat and start your day early. If you can’t finish early, then monitor your body condition. In 40 degrees + Celsius, everyone is at risk.
If you’re lucky, your clients will build you a cooling station. Stay safe! Stay cool!