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I did it! I joined and I answered my first question. Never heard of Well, let’s change that. Your life may just improve a little bit.

Introduction to

Quora is a question and answer site with a twist. Users vote on content quality so that only the best answers show up at the top. The site is populated by plenty of experts. You can sign up for free and indicate your areas of interest. Landscaping and treesĀ in my case.


a) What if you have a burning question nobody has asked? This is your chance to ask it. You might get lucky. My one burning question is:

Why do boxwoods (Buxus sempervirens) turn orange in winter? I know it’s not a disease. It’s just a mechanism related to light and temperature. I’m just hoping someone will answer it in easy to understand words.

b) You can learn a new perspective

Perhaps you’ve been doing things the same way for years and suddenly-bang!- someone shows you a new way. That can happen to you on Quora. Don’t be afraid to learn a new perspective.

c) Answer questions

You can play expert by answering people’s questions. Start with your field of expertise and answer some questions. This can build up your expert standing andĀ introduce you to new clients. I feel like I can answer some landscape and tree questions as a Red Seal Journeyman Horticulturist.

My first answer

I searched for a decent question to answer and I found it fairly quickly. Someone asked the question below.

“How do I maintain a lawn mower for perfect mowing”?

New push mower models are fairly simple. Many don’t even have primers. One pull cord, that’s it.

  1. First, check your oil levels regularly. Make sure your mower is on level ground when you check your oil.

2. Second, make sure your mower blades are sharp! This is a common mistake. People use the same dull blade for months. Consequently, their lawns look dull, too. Dull blades shred the grass blades instead of cutting it straight across.

Dull blades also increase shoot clogging on rainy days, thus increasing your mow times. The bottom deck has to be cleaned out frequently as well. Sharp blades will make a huge difference on rainy days.

One of my employers used to change mower blades every second day!

3. Third, pop your spark plug and check it frequently. Replace it once it ages. Everything fires better with new spark plugs.

4. Fourth, lubricate your wheels and check to make sure the pins holding them at the desired level are still tight. Some wheels tend to slip out with age.

My Honda dual blade mower has been running well for years without any major maintenance. Engine maintenance should be done by a professional mechanic. But since mechanics in British Columbia charge $90+ per hour, once your engine goes, I would recommend buying a new mower.


Give a try. If you have a burning question, this is your place to ask it. Good luck!




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